Understanding the Cost of Dry Needling

A woman getting a tattoo on her back.


Dry needling has gained popularity as a therapeutic technique that involves inserting thin needles into specific trigger points within muscles. This minimally invasive procedure is known for its potential benefits in alleviating pain and promoting muscle function. However, many individuals contemplating dry needling are curious about dry needling costs.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into various aspects of dry needling costs, covering everything from its benefits to insurance coverage.

How Can Dry Needling Help?

Before we explore the financial aspects, it’s crucial to understand how dry needling works.

Muscle Tension Release

Improved Blood Flow

  • The insertion of thin needles stimulates blood flow to targeted areas leading to enhanced circulation that supports the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscles, aiding in the healing process.

Pain Alleviation

  • Study shows that dry needling effectively treats acute and chronic pain, aids injury rehabilitation, and prevents pain and injuries by identifying and eliminating neuromuscular dysfunction.

Natural Healing Processes

  • By promoting blood flow and releasing tension, the technique encourages the body to initiate its own healing processes.

Complementary Treatment for Sports Injuries

  • Athletes dealing with sports injuries can find dry needling to be a valuable component of their treatment plan. It targets specific areas affected by injuries, aiding in recovery and rehabilitation.

Part of Comprehensive Treatment Plans

  • Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain or managing muscle tightness, dry needling can be integrated into comprehensive treatment plans. It complements other therapeutic approaches for a holistic approach to wellness.

People who can get the treatment

Dry needling is not restricted to a specific demographic. The following individuals dealing with can benefit from this therapy:

Athletes Seeking Performance Enhancement: Athletes often turn to dry needling to enhance muscle function, flexibility, and overall performance.

Individuals with Chronic Pain: Individuals experiencing persistent pain conditions, such as chronic back pain or headaches, may find relief through dry needling, as it targets trigger points contributing to discomfort, including knee pain.

Post-Surgery Rehabilitation: Individuals recovering from surgeries, especially orthopedic procedures, may incorporate dry needling into their rehabilitation plan to improve mobility and reduce muscle stiffness.

Muscle Tightness and Stiffness: Anyone experiencing muscle tightness and stiffness, whether due to stress, poor posture, or other factors, can benefit from dry needling to release tension and promote relaxation.

Sports Injury Patients: Those recovering from sports-related injuries, such as strains or sprains, can include dry needling as part of their rehabilitation strategy to target specific affected muscle groups and address muscular pain

Individuals with Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Myofascial pain syndrome, characterized by trigger points in muscles, can be effectively addressed through trigger point dry needling to alleviate pain and improve muscle function.

Those Seeking Non-Invasive Pain Management: Individuals seeking non-invasive pain management options may explore dry needling, which involves minimal invasion with thin needles and focuses on natural healing processes, making it a potential aspect of physical therapy treatment.

How Much Does Dry Needling Cost?

The cost of dry needling can vary based on several factors. It’s advisable to discuss pricing details with the practitioner or facility beforehand to make informed decisions based on individual needs and budget considerations. Considering these factors is essential for individuals evaluating the cost of dry needling: 

Location: Urban areas and regions with a higher cost of living may have higher fees compared to more rural locations.

Practitioner Experience: Highly experienced practitioners with specialized skills may charge higher fees for their services.

Facility Type: Services offered in a specialized clinic or healthcare facility may have different pricing structures compared to those provided in a general wellness center.

Session Duration: The duration of each dry needling session can affect the overall cost. Longer sessions or those involving more extensive treatment may be priced higher than shorter, more focused sessions.

Insurance Coverage: The extent of insurance coverage for dry needling services can impact the out-of-pocket cost for individuals. If insurance covers part or all of the treatment, the financial burden on the patient may be reduced.

Pricing Models: Some practitioners charge based on the specific body part being treated, while others may have a flat fee per session. Understanding the pricing structure is crucial in estimating the overall cost.

Is Dry Needling Covered By Insurance

The coverage of dry needling by insurance plans varies. While some insurers may cover it as part of physical therapy or pain management, others may not recognize it as a reimbursable service. It’s advisable to check with your insurance company to understand the extent of coverage for dry needling.

Dry Needling Cost Without Insurance?

For those without insurance coverage, the out-of-pocket expense of dry needling therapy becomes a primary consideration, especially for individuals seeking guidance from experienced physical therapists. Understanding the potential expenses can help individuals budget for this therapeutic intervention.

Two Types Of Pricing For Dry Needling Services

Some practitioners charge based on which part of your body they’re treating, while others have a fixed fee for each treatment session. Knowing how they set their prices is important to figure out the total cost.

Paying By The Body Part

How It Works

  • The cost is determined by the specific body part receiving treatment. For instance, addressing a shoulder issue may incur a different cost than targeting a lower back problem.

Tailored Billing

  • This model allows for a more personalized and tailored approach to billing. Each body part is priced individually based on the complexity or specific needs of the treatment.


  • Offers a customized approach, reflecting the unique requirements of each treated area.
  • Potentially more cost-effective for individuals with specific concerns in one or a few areas.


  • May lead to variable costs depending on the number and complexity of treated body parts.
  • Could result in higher overall expenses if multiple areas need attention.

Paying By The Session

How It Works

  • A flat fee is charged for each session, regardless of the number of body parts treated. Whether one or multiple areas are addressed, the cost remains consistent.

Straightforward Pricing

  • This model provides clarity for patients, offering a straightforward and easily understandable pricing structure. The total cost is known in advance for each session.


  • Predictable costs make budgeting and financial planning more straightforward.
  • Suitable for individuals seeking comprehensive treatment involving multiple body parts.


  • May be less cost-effective for those with specific concerns in one area, as they pay the same flat fee regardless of the number of body parts treated.
  • Might not account for variations in the time and complexity required for different body parts.

Does the process hurt?

While pain tolerance varies among individuals, many describe the sensation during dry needling as a mild discomfort. The needles are so thin that you can bend them with your finger, and the procedure is relatively quick. They’re not the same needles used for injections. The discomfort is often outweighed by the potential relief it offers from muscle tension and pain.

What should I expect after dry needling?

Post-treatment, it’s common to experience mild soreness or bruising at the needling sites. This is a normal response and usually resolves within a day or two. Staying hydrated, applying ice, and engaging in light activities can help manage these post-treatment effects.


In conclusion, understanding the dry needle therapy cost involves considering various factors, including insurance coverage, location, and pricing models. Despite the potential expense, many individuals find the benefits of dry needling well worth the investment in their overall well-being and quality of life.

Ready to explore the benefits of dry needling in Franklin, Tennessee? Check out the services offered at Be Ready Physical Therapy to take the first step toward a healthier and more pain-free lifestyle!


Q1: Can anyone undergo dry needling?

A1: In general, many individuals can benefit from dry needling. However, it’s essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine suitability for your specific condition.

If you’re in Nashville and considering dry needling Nashville, you can explore more about the services provided by the expert team at Be Ready Physical Therapy.

Q2: How long does a typical dry needling session last?

A2: The duration of a dry needling session can vary but generally ranges from 30 minutes to an hour. The length depends on factors such as the number of areas being treated and the complexity of the condition, making it important to consider this aspect for both the initial session and subsequent visits.

Q3: How soon can I expect to see results from dry needling?

A3: The timeframe for experiencing results varies. Some individuals notice improvement after the first therapy session, while others may require 2-3 visits for significant relief. The effectiveness depends on the nature and severity of the condition being treated. This underlines the importance of a comprehensive approach, often involving physical therapy services, to maximize the benefits of treatment.

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Dr. Ross Gentry


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