
A woman in a blue t - shirt standing in a gym.

What runners need to know about Cross training and lifting weights.

You’re a runner. Should you also strength train? Or will it decrease your running economy? Absolutely you should strength train! A strength training program provides many benefits to runners, including A. Reducing risk of injury B. Improving speed, endurance, and overall running economy. Not only does strengthening important muscle groups increase the amount of stress

What runners need to know about Cross training and lifting weights. Read More »

A baseball player is pitching a ball during a game.

What a Baseball Season does to Your Shoulder and Elbow

Throughout the course of a baseball season, players’ shoulders and elbows take a beating. The demand of the throw places our shoulder in extremes of rotation that no other movement can mimic. During a season athletes may unintentionally gain up to 20 degrees of external rotation. These changes can create significant imbalances in strength and

What a Baseball Season does to Your Shoulder and Elbow Read More »

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